Extras – a matter of course

We want to deliberately distinguish ourselves from classical school concepts. Read on to find out what sets us apart from other schools.

Consistent concept School uniforms Partizipation & Assembly Holiday care Outside the box
Consistent concept
School uniforms
Participation & weekly assembly
Holiday care
Outside the box



Consistent concept

As you have learned from Sternenschule Duisburg’s history, our school is ideally and factually built up upon the Zaubersterne kindergardens. That marks our creation of a system that is unique for the city of Duisburg, namely a smooth transition from a bilingual kindergarden to a bilingual primary school. The only thing that changes for the children is the building they enter in the morning. Of course, our school’s doors are open for children from different kindergardens, prior knowledge of the English language is not a requirement.


School uniforms

It is not important what we wear; it is important who we are. As to not emphasize the outer appearance, Sternenschule Duisburg provides school uniforms, to enable a social and educational climate of community. Disregarding social status or fashion trends, our students can develop their individual personalities while still feeling a part of the school community due to the shared Outfit. Gain an insight here and/or place an order at our partner-site.


Participation & weekly assembly

Sternenschule Duisburg regards itself as a microscopic society and as such, we like to teach our students democratic values and responsibility from an early age. Regular school assemblies and our students’ wish to actively participate support that school of thought. Parents are constantly updated and included into school life wherever possible. Sternenschule Duisburg also promotes gender-conscious, intercultural education and our students experience community as diversity. Cooperation between different cultures, social or religious backgrounds is a given at our school. Due to an active atmosphere of participation and asking questions, our students learn to respect other’s opinions and to deal with other people’s mind-sets in a constructive manner.


Holiday care

In addition to school days, Sternenschule Duisburg offers with it’s support association (Förderverein der Sternenschule e.V.) care programmes for students including sports, recreational activities and tourism excursions. 

Please note that the care program takes place either at our School or at our partner "Club Raffelberg"! 

  • General questions? This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
  • Registration: Use one of the following forms

Tip: For easiest registration use one of the forms. You also can send us your registration via mail: Förderverein der Sternenschule, Stichwort "Ferienprogramm", Albert-Hahn-Str. 25, 47269 Duisburg. Please note the registration deadlines.

Our program is open! Get informed and sign-in soon

Easter holidays (25.03. till 05.04.2024) – Application deadline 19.02.2024

  • Second week (02.04. till 05.04.2024 – 1st of April ist a holiday!)

Summer holidays (08.07. till 20.08.2024) – Application deadline 14.06.2024

  • Fourth week (29.07. till 02.08.2024)
  • Fifth week (05.08. till 09.08.2024)
  • Sixth week (12.08. till 16.08.2024)

Unfortunately fully booked: Autumn holidays (14.10. till 25.10.2024) – Application deadline 6.09.2024

  • Second week (21.10. till 25.10.2024)

Outside the box

Sternenschule Duisburg is not an island. We open up to the world surrounding us. This includes empowerment of our students’ personalities and independence. As a transparent, open school we cultivate networks with the local community, regional institutions and businesses. International influences and innovations are always welcome. Our concept and its realisation are in constant review by internal quality control. Our teaching staff as well as our care workers are undergoing continued education in their respective fields to stay up to date.

Wir pflegen teils langjährige, teils neu erwachsene Zusammenarbeiten mit u.a. folgenden Einrichtungen und Trägern: